
South coast, Iceland
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A secluded ravine a short distance from the south coasts popular tourist attraction. From a far you see the ravine wind down the hill concealed for the most part. You wind through the canyon walls via tight passageways in the mountain. The natural features of this iconic site are visible only up close. This site is a real beauty, with towering granite walls all around you and small streams and waterfalls inside the canyon. During winter, the water in the canyon freezes, forming gigantic icicles and ice formations on the rock surface and entirely changing the site and the nature of it. During the summer months, this site is equally spectacular, with stunning colour contrasts between the greenery, rock, and the water at your feet. A wild rowan tree grows in the canyon, giving it an eerie look.

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The ravine is 500 meters from the parking lot and is considered an easy hike. You must wade through water and beside small waterfalls, so you will get wet. You can travel ca 400 meters inside the canyon if you are well equipped.
Public transportation unavailable
There is no public transportation available in this area
Car recommended
Unchallenging terrain accessible by car
Excellent phone coverage
Great phone coverage without interruptions
Not needed
Guide is not needed

Services nearby

There are lots of hotels within 50-kilometers radius from this waterfall. The nearest hospital is in Selfoss, 80 kilometres away, but basic healthcare is within 35 kilometres. Within a 50-kilometre radius, there are convenience stores, a gas station, restaurants and more hotels and other services.
< 50 km
Gas station
< 1 km
Hospital or emergency room
More than 50 km away
< 1 km
< 30 km
< 50 km


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This area needs a two-way permit which the production service company can get for you.
Shooting requires both the permission from the property owner and the local government permit

Basecamp and facilities

There is a large parking lot 500 meters from the ravine that could be used as a basecamp. There are no facilities at this location and the phone coverage is excellent outside the canyon but poor inside it.

Risk factors

The trail inside the canyon is wet and very slippery. You must wade shallow creeks and climb over rocks. The rock walls are steep, and rocks could fall. During winter season, huge icicles form on the walls that could fall down, seriously hurting you.


The area is popular with tourists. This location is easy to manage with PAs or park rangers, with a permit from the landowners.

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