Kolovesi National Park

Eastern Finland, Finland

Kolovesi National Park in Finland is a serene sanctuary of untouched wilderness, marked by its sprawling forests and crystal-clear lakes. This hidden gem, nestled within the region of Savonlinna, offers a pristine natural landscape that spans across Eastern Finland. Its vast, tranquil waters and dense woodlands serve as a haven for kayakers, canoeists, and nature enthusiasts seeking solace in the great outdoors. The park's rugged beauty, featuring dramatic rock formations and an abundance of wildlife, including the rare Saimaa ringed seal, embodies the quintessential Finnish wilderness experience.

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Kolovesi National Park is accessible by car, with main entrances well-marked for visitors. While public transportation options are limited in this remote area, private vehicles can easily reach designated parking areas. The park is renowned for water-based activities, so personal or rented small boats, kayaks, or canoes are recommended for exploration. Due to its natural terrain, some areas might require a sturdy pair of hiking boots and a readiness for adventure. Cell phone coverage can vary throughout the park, with stronger signals near entry points and facilities. Specialized guides are not necessary but could enhance your visit.

Services nearby

The closest towns outside Kolovesi National Park offer accommodation ranging from cottages to hotels. Gas stations, medical facilities, and dining options are available in the region, although planning for travel time is essential due to the park's secluded location. Shopping for supplies and equipment can be done in nearby Savonlinna, which hosts a variety of stores catering to outdoor and production needs.
< 30 km
Gas station
More than 50 km away
Hospital or emergency room
< 50 km
More than 50 km away
< 30 km
< 30 km

Basecamp and facilities

Near the main entrances and parking areas, basic facilities including toilets and picnic spots are available. There are designated spots for setting up base camps for larger productions, although it's advisable to coordinate with park authorities in advance. Accessibility to these facilities might require a short hike or boat ride.

Risk factors

For media producers, the park's remote location and natural wilderness pose unique challenges. Weather conditions can change rapidly, requiring flexibility and preparedness. The terrain, while breathtaking, demands caution and respect for nature to prevent impact on the fragile ecosystem. Wildlife encounters, although rare, necessitate awareness and distance, particularly with protected species.


Kolovesi National Park attracts a modest number of visitors annually, preserving its tranquil and undisturbed atmosphere. The peak season is during the summer months when the weather is most favorable for outdoor activities. The park remains relatively serene, ideal for media producers seeking secluded, natural settings without the distraction of large crowds.

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