Fjaðrárgljúfur is a magnificent and picturesque canyon, located in the southeast of Iceland. The canyon was formed by the Fjaðrá river, which flows through it. It was created during a series of glacial floods thousands of years ago when meltwater from glaciers surged through the area, carving the deep and narrow canyon.
Fjarðárgljúfur stretches for approx 2 kilometers and reaches depths of up to 100 meters. The canyon features steep cliffs, rugged rock formations, and the meandering river that adds to its scenic beauty.
As a filming location, the canyon is excellent and offers a variety of viewpoints. You can enter from below and film upwards, putting actors, props and sets in the foreground. You can also choose different viewpoints on various edges along the path leading up to the canyon, filming down or upwards to the source.